Frukost | Breakfast

Frukosten serveras på bottenvåningen
Breakfast is served on ground floor
Vardagar | Monday - Friday: 06:00-09:00
Helger | Weekend: 07:30-10:30


Receptionen är bemannad | Reception is manned:
Vardagar | Monday- Friday 06.00-00.00
Helger | Weekend 07.00-00.00

Kontaktinformation | Contact information

0910-73 25 00

Guest information Malmia Hotel

Welcome to Best Western Malmia Hotel!

We don't have any phone on the rooms so if you need to contact us, please use your own phone and call 0910-73 25 00. We are available there at all hours. If you don't have a phone of your own with you, you can borrow one from the reception.
In case of emergency during the night there is a phone on the reception desk down by the lobby to use. Pick up the phone and press the button marked with "tryck här" and you will be connected to our on call staff. The same phone can be used to contact the emergency services at 112 if needed.

Breakfast to go - If you leave early and don't have time to eat breakfast on site, you can order a breakfast bag for you to bring with you. You can order that with the front desk staff and we will need you order on the night before, at 22:00 the latest.

• We are a cashless hotel but we accept credit cards such as VISA, Master Card, Diners, American Express.
•Fax & photocopy services is available in the reception.
•If you need to borrow a laptop you can do so from the reception.
•Dry cleaning/laundry comes with an additional charge, we use Norrlandstvätten. If you leave your laundry to the reception before 08.00 you will get your laundry back the same day. Please contact the reception for more information. 
•You can store your luggage in our luggage room that is next to the reception. 
•BISTRO V - open monday-saturday 17:00-22:00 and is located 200m from us on Skellefteå Stadshotell. 
•Snacks and beverages is available in the reception 24/7. 
•Sauna is located on 5th floor and free for hotel guests, use your room key to enter. Open 12:00-23:00
•Fitness room is open 24/7 on skellefteå stadshotell located 200m from us.
•Fans or heaters are available to borrow from the reception during our opening hours.
•Iron and ironing board are available on floor 2 to 5 next to the elevator. 
•You can find notepads and pens in your room or on the receptiondesk. 
•Laundry bags are in your room, if you need extra please ask the reception. 
•Safe deposit available in the reception
•Toiletries such as dental kit, comb, shampoo, sewing kit, shaving kit & soap is is available in the reception 24/7.
•In case of emergency - RESCUE people who are in obvious danger. ALARM the fire brigade at the fire alarm manual call point dial 112. ALERT  other people in danger. EXTINGUISH fire if possible. EVACUATE go to assembly point which is the square outside the hotel. Do not use elevators.

Gästinformation Malmia hotel

Välkomna till oss på Best Western Malmia Hotel!

Vi har inga telefoner på rummet så om du behöver kontakta oss kan du använda din egen mobil och ringa oss på 0910-73 25 00, vi är tillgängliga där dygnet runt. Om du inte har en egen telefon med dig kan du få låna en av receptionen.
Vid nödfall under natten så finns det en telefon placerad på receptionsdisken. Lyft på luren och tryck på knappen märkt "tryck här" så kopplas du vidare till vår jour. Via samma telefon går det även att ringa nödsamtal om nödfall skulle uppstå.

Frukostpåse - Åker du tidigt och hinner inte äta frukost på plats? Då kan du beställa en frukostpåse att med dig. Senast kl 22:00 kvällen innan behöver du meddela receptionen om du vill beställa en sådan.

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